Wednesday 26 July 2017

Yakubs Free Sales Training search for Sell and Get Rich in Bangladesh website

Yakubs Free Sales Training search for Sell and Get Rich in Bangladesh website
You can now get this website by searching Google.
Search Google with Yakubs Free Sales Training.
You will get the website Sell and Get Rich in Bangladesh.

Well, lets go to sales tips now.
To grow a company each and every of its staff should do sales.
Only few sales staff of a company can not take the cost of all other staff.
So if everybody participate in sales it become very easy for a company to grow.

Tuesday 25 July 2017

Remembering Sell and Get Rich Blog
Sell and Get Rich by Yakub
If you want to improve in your sales you will have to read my tips again and again.
Incase if you forget this website address, 
Go to Google
Search with Sell and Get Rich by Yakub
You will get this website at top.

Wednesday 19 July 2017

Commitment Receipt and Given

We regularly receive commitment from others.
Similarly we give commitment to others.
When we give a commitment against a commitment receipt, we must keep some leverage.
Commitment given should be much less than commitment receipt.
 Yakubs Commitment Graph shows that our given commitment should be muss less than commitment receipt.

Confidence Vs Performance

Confidence is very important for performance.
However over confidence can be dangerous for performance.
Yakubs Confidence Performance Graph shows when confidence increase performance increase.
But when over confidence starts performance decreases.

Thursday 16 March 2017

Sell and Push The Bell

The more you push the bell the more you sell:

If you want to sell you need to push the bell from one door to another. The more you push the bell, the more sales call you make, the more you sell. It is a number game. If you make 100 calls a day you can make few sales everyday. If you make few sales calls then nothing will happen.

Less than expected result now, means, more than expected in future:

Sometimes there will be no result even after doing a lot of hard works. However you can not be discouraged. You need to continue calling. If it is less result than expectation then be confident that in future there will be much more result than expectation that time.

Yakubs Fable ; A story of a cricket player:

There was a cricket player who was fielding against a batsman. He was looking the scoreboard again and again. Even when the batsman was hitting the ball with the bat he was looking at scoreboard instead of ball. As a result he missed a easy catch and saw the score of batsman increased. Then the fans were crticizing him and he was seeing the criticism and feeling bad. That moment he missed another catch. Then the next ball was a easy catch and to inspire him beautiful cheer girl fans were clapping to encourage him. He was too happy, feeling too high and romantic that he missed that easy catch as well. The moral of this Yakubs fable is concentrate on action without concentrating on result or criticism or praise.

Wednesday 15 March 2017

Sell anything anywhere to anybody and get rich

The easiest way to get rich is selling.
I will teach you to sell anything anywhere to anybody so you can get rich.

Many people are in problem, specially financial problem.
However they can overcome it by selling.
Whatever is your problem, it can be solved by selling.
If you know how to sell you can earn money and solve your financial problem.

You need salesmanship in everywhere. 
In family, in society, in job, in business.

If you know how to sell you can use it in your relationship.
Even if you do job, still you can use your salesmanship to make your boss satisfied.

Selling is a skill that anybody can learn.
Most of the business fails only for not having enough sales.
So if you know how to sell, you can solve all the problems in your business.
You can sell anything to anybody and anywhere if you know how to sell.

My sales training and personal improvement videos:
I have a lot of videos in facebook and youtube. You can search by my name M Yakub Chowdhury and watch those videos. If you have any question you can write me. I will answer your question as soon as possible.